Monday, May 18, 2009

We moved!

Well, we've been in the new apt/condo a little over a week now and we're loving it!

Bob and Rox helped us move over, right before they headed back to the coast last weekend.

We're still pretty close to their place (where we were staying)... I'd say about a 5-10 min taxi ride or so. We, or course, didn't have too much too move, just luggage we arrived with, but it still took 2 trips since we moved clothes on hangers and not shrink-wrapped inside the bags.

Thanks again, B and R, for the help!

We've spent the last week perusing furniture shops (for the now-empty living room), Lots of choices out there and some really good deals, too. Everything from traditional to ultra-modern.
There's a good shop near the 'other' Super Maxi and a couple good ones downtown, too. We'd like to visit a couple more,, then make a decision!

Right now the living room is a pale gray/pale blue color, with white ceiling... walls go nicely with the gray marble floor and the light sage drapes. Depending on the furniture, we may or may not change the wall color. We will have to paint at some point, in any case. (You know how grubby a place can look after sellers' movers have come and gone).

The Sellers left us lots of household goodies, but we headed out one of the days to do other shopping to help fill in the holes... clothes hamper, laundry basket, a few dishes, food, hand towels...

We've also met the guards in the building and some of the neighbors. Nice folks. And, the new construction nearby has provided endless entertainment from the porch!

Pictures next... if our connectivity decides to work (still awaiting a tech to come out to stabilize)


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