Lots of folks with jobs and working hard. We check on all the fast progress on our various walks around town.
The last one on this poster is 'veredas' (sidewalks!). There are about 19km of sidewalks being repaired in Cuenca's historic area. Good news for us walkers!
Here is a recent pic of some street work at San Sabastian near the Museum of Modern Art.
Another street project near San Sebastian.
Construction has just begun at Parque de la Madre (Mother's Park). The scope of the project includes an underground parking area for about 140 cars. Once done, the extra parking in the area will make a huge difference!
This Park is also a popular one for joggers and others. The planned upgrades will be nice for all.
We are including several of the construction signs. Most of the signs include the project scope and the budget figures. Lots of $ allocated to improve the City.
(You may have to enlarge the pics to see the details.)
New street art brightens up the barrier fences, some with a message.
These are some favorites by local artists.
You might need to enlarge this one to see the US flag...
There is a military guard stationed at this art display. Perhaps to protect it from the taggers, a good thing.
This one has pictures of the Pope surrounding it.
Love the shoes!
Another sign for 3 Nov renovation along the river. This sign is over the walking bridge across the river, seen facing Av 12 of Abril.
Picture looking at some of the construction on 3 Nov. (Av. 3 de Noviembre is the road/path that runs along the other side of the river, runs parallel to 12 de Abril.)
New street art at this construction site.
So much construction, old and new, around our Cuenca!
Here is a progress pic of a new apt building, River View, in our neighborhood.
It's another huge building with a huge working crew.
The nearby underpass construction is reported at 70% complete! Another big-bucks' project and right on schedule.
The City's light rail system project is scheduled to begin before the year is over, too.
So many changes in Cuenca in just the last couple years, just makes your head spin.
One more picture of the beautiful river.
A peaceful place in the midst of all the noisy construction.
PS -- It's a national holiday this 3 day weekend, beginning Friday. Ecuador is celebrating the Battle of Pichincha, May 24, 1822. Officals have moved the holiday to Friday the 25th this year, a day later, so families can enjoy the long weekend.
If you're in Cuenca, you may see military parades. We're hoping to see them tomorrow and through this weekend. Also, a National Holiday here means banks and most stores and services will be closed.
Happy weekend! Viva Ecuador!
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