Sunday, January 25, 2015

Walking in January 2015 -- Cuenca

We've decided to continue our monthly walking series for the blog.  It gives us the framework to share pictures and little tidbits, sometimes all unrelated (except for the walking part and the month).  Never a dull or boring momento here, at least for us. 

We expect to post the walking pics toward the end of each month.  If there is an occasion/topic that deserves its own separate entry, we'll do that, too, so stay tuned.

Our regular readers will know our blog pictures are those subjects that catch our eye.  Pretty simple, mostly pics and less words.  We're not professional photographers/writers with fancy cameras and skills, but we're hoping our pics will give you the opportunity to see the season, the skies, flowers, street art, adorable animals and children, friends and often the quirkiness of our City and life here in Ecuador.  Nothing too complicated, just fun stuff.

We have lots of January pictures!  We'll be posting in 2 parts.  This is part 1.

A ballet studio in the neighborhood.  Seems to be popular for both children and adults.

More fun street art to share.

Nice presentation of our lunch one day, with a real flower.  Delicious fresh salmon.

Parades related to the Christmas season are still happening!  We expect to see more until we hit our next big holiday, Carnaval, in February.  We love the animals and all the cute kids and bright colors.  You can see we took these at the end of the parade as everyone was resting.

A birds eye view of a Sunday parade down Av Solano.

Part 2 for January 2015 is next.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful new concept! I look for ward to the posts!
