We were delighted to help celebrate Linda's Birthday at the California Kitchen.
It was a potluck...and the food was all delicious. There are some VERY good cooks here in Cuenca!
Brian's famous pate!
Chuck's Scotch Eggs!
And, a whole lot more... smoked chicken, salads, Barbara's pineapple salsa, our veggie lasagna...2 big tables full of gourmet snacks, all just yummy.
Happy Birthday, Linda! Best Wishes and lots of happiness for you!
We were soooo happy to see Nancy back in Cuenca! On Sunday, we walked to town for breakfast.
We took a different route. Chuck had shown us this route earlier while Nancy was traveling, so we wanted to share it with her, too. Fairly empty streets, but it was still early morning.
There was a crowd doing...something...that we had to watch for a few minutes. We finally decided it was an exercise program of some sort. There were also other events around the City promoting fitness.
Here's our version...
A chilly, clear night with City lights, another picture from the porch.
We're going into the winter season here, as our friends and family in the North are going into the summer.
Happy Solstice!
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