Saturday, February 12, 2011

More Scenes Around Cuenca -- Black Witch Moth

*** Added Feb 14:  regarding the giant moth, picture below:
It's a female black witch moth, apparently common in parts of the USA, too!  See
Many thanks to those who have helped us identify her!  ***


Our regular readers will know we are 'walkers'...and there is always something that gets our attention.
Here are more pics of our City, as we walk around town.

Lots more new construction.

We often end up at the horses for the photo opportunities!  Here is a Dad and child posing...

New hats available for posing, too.

More street art.

A friend of ours tells us that this Santa drawing is common in Peru.

Here is the art that surrounds the sports field at a high school.

A quiet, neighborhood across the river from the colorful street sign.

A Mom and her happy children selling fruit.  This picture was taken at the traffic circle near us.

By the way, we didn't buy anything but we did ask to take this picture.  We gave the children a few coins (with Mom's permission).   The kids immediately gave the money to their Mom.

Another day we were at the Rotary market plaza, amongst LOTS of pigeons!  They were everywhere! 

We witnessed a curious scene...

 A woman and daughter started 'chumming' for them with grain and about a zillion birds came swooping down.  The woman proceeded to catch one!  Not sure if she wanted 'pigeon under glass' or wanted it for breeding, but she was good!  Fast as grease lightening! 

Somehow the security guys were alerted and 2 came over and made her release the bird...  Not sure why. 


More scenes from our apt and the neighborhood...

Mothra Alert!!

One night we thought there was a bat in the bedroom!  In the dim light we could see 'something' flying around the room...  A beautiful moth!

Here she is on the 4 inch molding around the bathroom door.  Yes, we helped her outside...

An early morning in the neighborhood from our porch...

We never tire of the glorious sunsets (also taken from our porch)...this one is right after an afternoon rain.

For those who are watching the Terrazza progress...gardeners are now adding some plants on some of the common terraces.

Happy Valentine's Day!  The vendors are out selling and doing a brisk business. 

The booths outside the New Cathedral are run by the same vendors, from season to season...mechandise changes with the upcoming holidays.

One more curious picture...  a store display...

We'll continue to collect fun pics of our City's scenes and will share more later.

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