Saturday, February 4, 2012

Another Week, More Pictures

There is always something fun and interesting to share.

Along Av LeMar... we see broken glass on top of walls all the time.  It's meant to deter trespassers.

More renovation projects waiting to happen...

A picture of a shop sign for you-know-who!

Another couple shots of last week's progress at the round-about road construction.

Moving right along.

A skinny Christmas tree still up in a shop.

A lovely country garden.

This week's flower bouquets. The apt smells heavenly!

It's been a busy, noisy week here on Av Los Pinos.  We have 2 big apt complexes in the neighborhood, now in the process of move-in's.  Which means...huge container trucks (and smaller ones) coming and going at all hours.  Our street is now (officially) a one-way street, as some traffic is diverted around the nearby road construction, but some trucks didn't seem to care.  At one point, we had trucks, all sizes, jockeying for position and parking all over the place.  Lots of horns blaring and loud 'discussions'.

Also, our 2 neighborhood doggies now have a new puppy friend. 
They all romp and play and really get along great.  That is, until the owners next door take the puppy to the other side of the fence.  Then, the dogs howl and howl and bark up a storm...what a racket. 

(Picture of the new puppy above; below is the Daddy doggie.)

We suspect that, with all the new folks moving into the neighborhood, the internet up-time has been affected.  We were down for almost 3 days.  Could have been other things?, but makes one wonder (we got no explanation from the service company).
Maybe it was just 'our time' to be down, who knows.

One more picture from the neighborhood...we love these kinds of pictures!
A very modern new gate with colorful laundry (clothes dryers are uncommon for most families). 

A picture of the new and old ways...

More fun street art...

Just in time for Valentine's Day!

From one of the walks to downtown at San Sabastian Square. 

A heavy green load...bigger than the woman carrying it.

A beautiful RED shawl, perfect for a chilly morning.

Cherry vendor.

Another heavy load.

Mom and Daughter.

Salon also at San Sabastian.

Another race... Our friend, Linda, went whizzing by, making good time!

Little tiny hats...wall decoration at Tiestos.

More pictures later...Have a great weekend!

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